1. What is JPH?

2. What is the scope of JPH?

3. Is JPH peer reviewed?

4. What are your publishing criteria?

5. What type of articles does JPH publish?

6. What are your publication charges?

7. Why are your charges set at these levels?

8. Who holds copyright on JPH articles?

9. How do I submit my article?

10. How quickly will I know the decision on my article?

11. How can I share the major datasets underlying my article when it is published in JPH?

12. What formats does JPH publish in?

13. Is JPH listed in my library catalog?

14. What is an JPH Special Feature?

1. What is JPH?

The Journal of Plant Hydraulics is an editorial-reviewed, open-access, electronic journal published by INRAE


2. What is the scope of JPH?

We publish manuscripts that address relevant questions on plant hydraulics, plant water relations and the physiology and genetic of drought resistance.


3. Is JPH peer reviewed?

Yes, JPH is a peer-reviewed journal. Articles are reviewed by our Associate Editors with the assistance of external referees.


4. What are are your publishing criteria?

We are happy to publish all papers that are judged to be technically sound. Reviews are thus applied for readability, clarity, technical correctness, and appropriate scope and interpretation. We consider that judgments about the importance of a paper are made after publication by the readership who are the most qualified to determine what is of interest to them. 


5. What type of articles does JPH publish?

We publish: 

Full papers are not limited in length and number of figures. Full papers will be assigned by the Chief Editors to one Associate Editor who will review your manuscript with the help of external reviewers.

Letters to JPH are short papers (typically 2 print pages) with one or two figures that report on an original and outstanding finding. The Introduction, Results and Discussion sections should be very focused but the Materials and Methods section should be detailed enough to allow reproducibility and a thorough evaluation of the work. To speed up the review process, Letters toJPH will be review by the Editorial Board of the journal without sending it to external referees. 

JPH published also Full-ReviewsMini-ReviewsMeeting Reports, and Opinion papers. We will also consider any relevant Commentary on papers previously published here or elswhere.


6. What are your publication charges?

The journal is free of any charge for both authors and readers.


7. Why are your charges set at these levels?

The Journal of Plant Hydraulics was created by the Chiefs Editors in a process of reappropriation of scientific publishing by researchers. The journal is entirely managed by the Editors themself on their spare time and the site is hosted and maintained by our public institution INRAE.


8. Who holds copyright on JPH articles?

The Authors hold the copyright


9. How do I submit my article?

Just click on the "Submit Research" button.


10. How quickly will I know the decision on my article?

We do our best to take our decision as quickly as possible. 


11. How can I share the major datasets underlying my article when it is published in JPH?

Datasets can be shared as supplemental files.


12. Is JPH listed in my library catalog?

JPH is indexed by Google Scholar. 

Our articles are archived in the public library HAL: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/ARINRA-JPH
